diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 66a72174..a86e5811 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on `Keep a Changelog `_,
and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning `_.
+- OIDC `prompt=create` support. :issue:`185` :pr:`164`
@@ -13,6 +18,7 @@ Fixed
- ``THEME`` can be a relative path
[0.0.39] - 2023-12-15
diff --git a/canaille/oidc/endpoints.py b/canaille/oidc/endpoints.py
index 2796cac8..e09dc1a1 100644
--- a/canaille/oidc/endpoints.py
+++ b/canaille/oidc/endpoints.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from .oauth import IntrospectionEndpoint
from .oauth import require_oauth
from .oauth import RevocationEndpoint
from .utils import SCOPE_DETAILS
+from .well_known import openid_configuration
bp = Blueprint("endpoints", __name__, url_prefix="/oauth")
@@ -54,6 +55,23 @@ def authorize():
if not client:
abort(400, "Invalid client.")
+ # https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-prompt-create-1_0.html#name-authorization-request
+ # If the OpenID Provider receives a prompt value that it does
+ # not support (not declared in the prompt_values_supported
+ # metadata field) the OP SHOULD respond with an HTTP 400 (Bad
+ # Request) status code and an error value of invalid_request.
+ # It is RECOMMENDED that the OP return an error_description
+ # value identifying the invalid parameter value.
+ if (
+ request.args.get("prompt")
+ and request.args["prompt"]
+ not in openid_configuration()["prompt_values_supported"]
+ ):
+ return {
+ "error": "invalid_request",
+ "error_description": f"prompt '{request.args['prompt'] }' value is not supported",
+ }, 400
user = current_user()
requested_scopes = request.args.get("scope", "").split(" ")
allowed_scopes = client.get_allowed_scope(requested_scopes).split(" ")
@@ -65,6 +83,10 @@ def authorize():
return jsonify({"error": "login_required"})
session["redirect-after-login"] = request.url
+ if request.args.get("prompt") == "create":
+ return redirect(url_for("core.account.join"))
return redirect(url_for("core.auth.login"))
if not user.can_use_oidc:
diff --git a/canaille/oidc/well_known.py b/canaille/oidc/well_known.py
index 72704341..df03fd23 100644
--- a/canaille/oidc/well_known.py
+++ b/canaille/oidc/well_known.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from flask import Blueprint
+from flask import current_app
from flask import g
from flask import jsonify
from flask import request
@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ def openid_configuration():
"subject_types_supported": ["pairwise", "public"],
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": ["RS256", "ES256", "HS256"],
- "prompt_values_supported": ["none"],
+ "prompt_values_supported": ["none"]
+ + (["create"] if current_app.config.get("ENABLE_REGISTRATION") else []),
diff --git a/doc/specifications.rst b/doc/specifications.rst
index 8b5c6851..c61e5a61 100644
--- a/doc/specifications.rst
+++ b/doc/specifications.rst
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ OpenID Connect
- ❌ `OpenID Connect Back Channel Logout `_
- ❌ `OpenID Connect Back Channel Authentication Flow `_
- ❌ `OpenID Connect Core Error Code unmet_authentication_requirements `_
-- ❌ `Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect 1.0 `_
+- ✅ `Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect 1.0 `_
Comparison with other providers
diff --git a/tests/core/test_registration.py b/tests/core/test_registration.py
index c7f39305..bd5080d3 100644
--- a/tests/core/test_registration.py
+++ b/tests/core/test_registration.py
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ def test_registration_with_email_validation(testclient, backend, smtpd):
res.form["family_name"] = "newuser"
res = res.form.submit()
+ assert res.flashes == [
+ ("success", "Your account has been created successfully."),
+ ]
user = models.User.get()
assert user
diff --git a/tests/oidc/test_authorization_prompt.py b/tests/oidc/test_authorization_prompt.py
index ac337843..b0f53652 100644
--- a/tests/oidc/test_authorization_prompt.py
+++ b/tests/oidc/test_authorization_prompt.py
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
Tests the behavior of Canaille depending on the OIDC 'prompt' parameter.
+import datetime
import uuid
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from canaille.app import models
+from canaille.core.account import RegistrationPayload
+from flask import url_for
def test_prompt_none(testclient, logged_user, client):
@@ -98,3 +101,125 @@ def test_prompt_no_consent(testclient, logged_user, client):
assert "consent_required" == res.json.get("error")
+def test_prompt_create_logged(testclient, logged_user, client):
+ """
+ If prompt=create and user is already logged in,
+ then go straight to the consent page.
+ """
+ testclient.app.config["ENABLE_REGISTRATION"] = True
+ consent = models.Consent(
+ consent_id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
+ client=client,
+ subject=logged_user,
+ scope=["openid", "profile"],
+ )
+ consent.save()
+ res = testclient.get(
+ "/oauth/authorize",
+ params=dict(
+ response_type="code",
+ client_id=client.client_id,
+ scope="openid profile",
+ nonce="somenonce",
+ prompt="create",
+ ),
+ status=302,
+ )
+ assert res.location.startswith(client.redirect_uris[0])
+ consent.delete()
+def test_prompt_create_registration_disabled(testclient, trusted_client, smtpd):
+ """
+ If prompt=create but Canaille registration is disabled,
+ an error response should be returned.
+ If the OpenID Provider receives a prompt value that it does
+ not support (not declared in the prompt_values_supported
+ metadata field) the OP SHOULD respond with an HTTP 400 (Bad
+ Request) status code and an error value of invalid_request.
+ It is RECOMMENDED that the OP return an error_description
+ value identifying the invalid parameter value.
+ """
+ res = testclient.get(
+ "/oauth/authorize",
+ params=dict(
+ response_type="code",
+ client_id=trusted_client.client_id,
+ scope="openid profile",
+ nonce="somenonce",
+ prompt="create",
+ ),
+ status=400,
+ )
+ assert res.json == {
+ "error": "invalid_request",
+ "error_description": "prompt 'create' value is not supported",
+ }
+def test_prompt_create_not_logged(testclient, trusted_client, smtpd):
+ """
+ If prompt=create and user is not logged in,
+ then display the registration form.
+ Check that the user is correctly redirected to
+ the client page after the registration process.
+ """
+ testclient.app.config["ENABLE_REGISTRATION"] = True
+ res = testclient.get(
+ "/oauth/authorize",
+ params=dict(
+ response_type="code",
+ client_id=trusted_client.client_id,
+ scope="openid profile",
+ nonce="somenonce",
+ prompt="create",
+ ),
+ )
+ # Display the registration form
+ res = res.follow()
+ res.form["email"] = "foo@bar.com"
+ res = res.form.submit()
+ # Checks the registration mail is sent
+ assert len(smtpd.messages) == 1
+ # Simulate a click on the validation link in the mail
+ payload = RegistrationPayload(
+ creation_date_isoformat=datetime.datetime.now(
+ datetime.timezone.utc
+ ).isoformat(),
+ user_name="",
+ user_name_editable=True,
+ email="foo@bar.com",
+ groups=[],
+ )
+ registration_url = url_for(
+ "core.account.registration",
+ data=payload.b64(),
+ hash=payload.build_hash(),
+ _external=True,
+ )
+ # Fill the user creation form
+ res = testclient.get(registration_url)
+ res.form["user_name"] = "newuser"
+ res.form["password1"] = "password"
+ res.form["password2"] = "password"
+ res.form["family_name"] = "newuser"
+ res = res.form.submit()
+ assert res.flashes == [
+ ("success", "Your account has been created successfully."),
+ ]
+ # Return to the client
+ res = res.follow()
+ assert res.location.startswith(trusted_client.redirect_uris[0])
diff --git a/tests/oidc/test_well_known.py b/tests/oidc/test_well_known.py
index 6ad2c2e2..cd7fea68 100644
--- a/tests/oidc/test_well_known.py
+++ b/tests/oidc/test_well_known.py
@@ -100,3 +100,9 @@ def test_openid_configuration(testclient):
"userinfo_endpoint": "http://canaille.test/oauth/userinfo",
"prompt_values_supported": ["none"],
+def test_openid_configuration_prompt_value_create(testclient):
+ testclient.app.config["ENABLE_REGISTRATION"] = True
+ res = testclient.get("/.well-known/openid-configuration", status=200).json
+ assert "create" in res["prompt_values_supported"]