import datetime import sys from flask import Flask from flask import session from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect csrf = CSRFProtect() def setup_sentry(app): # pragma: no cover if not app.config["CANAILLE"]["SENTRY_DSN"]: return None try: import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration except Exception: return None sentry_sdk.init( dsn=app.config["CANAILLE"]["SENTRY_DSN"], integrations=[FlaskIntegration()] ) return sentry_sdk def setup_blueprints(app): import canaille.core.endpoints app.url_map.strict_slashes = False app.register_blueprint(canaille.core.endpoints.bp) if app.features.has_oidc: import canaille.oidc.endpoints app.register_blueprint(canaille.oidc.endpoints.bp) if app.features.has_scim_server: import canaille.scim.endpoints app.register_blueprint(canaille.scim.endpoints.bp) def setup_flask(app): from import render_template csrf.init_app(app) @app.before_request def make_session_permanent(): session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta(days=365) @app.errorhandler(400) def bad_request(error): return render_template("error.html", description=error, error_code=400), 400 @app.errorhandler(403) def unauthorized(error): return render_template("error.html", description=error, error_code=403), 403 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): from import redirect_to_bp_handlers return redirect_to_bp_handlers(app, error) or render_template( "error.html", description=error, error_code=404 ), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def server_error(error): # pragma: no cover return render_template("error.html", description=error, error_code=500), 500 def setup_flask_converters(app): from import models from import model_converter for model_name, model_class in models.MODELS.items(): app.url_map.converters[model_name.lower()] = model_converter(model_class) def create_app( config: dict = None, validate: bool = True, backend=None, init_backend=None, env_file: str = None, env_prefix: str = "", ): """Application entry point. :param config: A configuration dict. This will take priority over any other configuration method. :param validate: Whether to validate or not the configuration. :param backend: An optional backend to force. If unset backend will be initialized according to the configuration. :param env_file: The path to an environment var file in which configuration can be loaded. :param env_prefix: The prefix to configuration environment vars. """ from .app.configuration import setup_config from .app.features import setup_features from .app.i18n import setup_i18n from .app.logging import setup_logging from .app.templating import setup_jinja from .app.templating import setup_themer from .backends import setup_backend app = Flask(__name__) with app.app_context(): if not setup_config( app=app, config=config, test_config=validate, env_file=env_file, env_prefix=env_prefix, ): # pragma: no cover sys.exit(1) sentry_sdk = setup_sentry(app) try: setup_logging(app) backend = setup_backend(app, backend, init_backend) setup_features(app) setup_flask_converters(app) setup_blueprints(app) setup_jinja(app) setup_i18n(app) setup_themer(app) setup_flask(app) if app.features.has_oidc: from .oidc.oauth import setup_oauth setup_oauth(app) except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover if sentry_sdk: sentry_sdk.capture_exception(exc) raise return app