{# The main template inherited by almost every other templates. :param user: The current user, if logged in. :type user: :class:`~canaille.core.models.User` :param features: The features enabled and available in Canaille. :type features: :class:`~canaille.app.features.Features` :param locale: The user locale. :type locale: :class:`str` :param website_name: The Canaille instance defined in :attr:`~canaille.core.configuration.CoreSettings.NAME`. :type website_name: :class:`str` :param logo_url: The URL of the instance logo defined in :attr:`~canaille.core.configuration.CoreSettings.LOGO`. :type logo_url: :class:`str` :param favicon_url: The URL of the instance favicon defined in :attr:`~canaille.core.configuration.CoreSettings.FAVICON`. :type favicon_url: :class:`str` :param is_boosted: Whether the page is boosted by :attr:`~canaille.core.configuration.CoreSettings.HTMX`. :type is_boosted: :class:`bool` :param menu: Whether to display the menu or not. :type menu: :class:`bool` :param debug: Whether the app has been launched in debug mode. :type debug: :class:`bool` #} {%- import 'macro/flask.html' as flask -%} {% block title -%}{% trans %}Authorization interface{% endtrans %}{%- endblock %} - {{ website_name|default("Canaille") }} {% if not is_boosted %} {% if logo_url %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% block style %}{% endblock %} {% block menu %} {% if menu %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block container %}
{{ flask.messages() }} {% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% if config["CANAILLE"]["JAVASCRIPT"] %} {% if not is_boosted %} {% if config["CANAILLE"]["HTMX"] %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% block script %}{% endblock %} {% endif %}