{# The error page. Displayed for all kinds of errors (not found, internal server error etc.). :param error_code: The code of the HTTP error (404, 500, etc.) :type error_code: :class:`int` :param description: The error code description. :type description: :class:`str` :param icon: An optional Font Awesome icon reference. :type icon: :class:`str` #} {% extends theme('base.html') %} {% block content %}
{% if icon is defined and (debug or (user and user.can_manage_oidc)) %} {% elif error_code == 400 %} {% elif error_code == 403 %} {% elif error_code == 404 %} {% elif error_code == 500 %} {% endif %}
{% if error_code == 400 %} {% trans %}Bad request{% endtrans %} {% elif error_code == 403 %} {% trans %}Unauthorized{% endtrans %} {% elif error_code == 404 %} {% trans %}Page not found{% endtrans %} {% elif error_code == 500 %} {% trans %}Technical problem{% endtrans %} {% endif %}
{% if description and (debug or (user and user.can_manage_oidc)) %}

{{ description }}

{% elif error_code == 400 %}

{% trans %}The request you made is invalid{% endtrans %}

{% elif error_code == 403 %}

{% trans %}You do not have the authorizations to access this page{% endtrans %}

{% elif error_code == 404 %}

{% trans %}The page you are looking for does not exist{% endtrans %}

{% elif error_code == 500 %}

{% trans %}Please contact your administrator{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}