import datetime import logging import pytest import time_machine import tests.conftest from import mask_email from import mask_phone from canaille.core.models import OTP_VALIDITY from canaille.core.models import SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY def test_email_otp_disabled(testclient):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = None with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["remaining_otp_methods"] = ["EMAIL_OTP"] session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = "id" testclient.get("/verify-mfa", status=404)["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False"/send-mail-otp", status=404) def test_sms_otp_disabled(testclient):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = None with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["remaining_otp_methods"] = ["SMS_OTP"] session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = "id" testclient.get("/verify-mfa", status=404)["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False"/send-sms-otp", status=404) def test_signin_and_out_with_email_otp(smtpd, testclient, backend, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login") res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) assert ( "info", "A one-time password has been sent to your email address j#####n@doe.test. Please enter it below to login.", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Sent one-time password for user to john@doe.test from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login_with_correct_password") res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa") backend.reload(user) otp = user.one_time_password assert len(smtpd.messages) == 1 email_content = str(smtpd.messages[0].get_payload()[0]).replace("=\n", "") assert otp in email_content main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = otp res = main_form.submit(status=302) assert ( "success", "Connection successful. Welcome John (johnny) Doe", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Succeed login attempt for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert [] == session.get("user_id") assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "attempt_login_with_correct_password" not in session res = testclient.get("/login", status=302) res = testclient.get("/logout") assert ( "success", "You have been disconnected. See you next time John (johnny) Doe", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Logout user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) def test_signin_with_email_otp_failed_to_send_code(testclient, user):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True["CANAILLE"]["SMTP"]["HOST"] = "invalid host" with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login") res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) assert ( "danger", "Error while sending one-time password. Please try again.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/password" def test_signin_wrong_email_otp(testclient, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = 111111 res = main_form.submit() assert ( "error", "The one-time password you entered is invalid. Please try again", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Failed login attempt (wrong OTP) for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples def test_signin_expired_email_otp(testclient, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True with"2020-01-01 01:00:00+00:00", tick=False) as traveller: with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = user.generate_and_send_otp_mail() traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=OTP_VALIDITY)) res = main_form.submit() assert ( "error", "The one-time password you entered is invalid. Please try again", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Failed login attempt (wrong OTP) for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples def test_signin_expired_sms_otp(testclient, user, caplog, mock_smpp):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True with"2020-01-01 01:00:00+00:00", tick=False) as traveller: with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) main_form = res.forms[0] otp = user.generate_and_send_otp_sms() main_form["otp"] = otp assert otp in str(tests.conftest.pdu.generate()) traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=OTP_VALIDITY)) res = main_form.submit() assert ( "error", "The one-time password you entered is invalid. Please try again", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Failed login attempt (wrong OTP) for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples def test_signin_and_out_with_sms_otp(testclient, backend, user, caplog, mock_smpp):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login") res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) assert ( "info", "A one-time password has been sent to your phone number 555#####00. Please enter it below to login.", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Sent one-time password for user to 555-000-000 from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login_with_correct_password") res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa") backend.reload(user) otp = user.one_time_password main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = otp assert otp in str(tests.conftest.pdu.generate()) res = main_form.submit(status=302) assert ( "success", "Connection successful. Welcome John (johnny) Doe", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Succeed login attempt for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert [] == session.get("user_id") assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "attempt_login_with_correct_password" not in session res = testclient.get("/login", status=302) res = testclient.get("/logout") assert ( "success", "You have been disconnected. See you next time John (johnny) Doe", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Logout user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples res = res.follow(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) def test_signin_with_sms_otp_failed_to_send_code(testclient, user):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True["CANAILLE"]["SMPP"]["HOST"] = "invalid host" with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login") res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) assert ( "danger", "Error while sending one-time password. Please try again.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/password" def test_signin_wrong_sms_otp(testclient, user, caplog, mock_smpp):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = 111111 res = main_form.submit() assert ( "error", "The one-time password you entered is invalid. Please try again", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Failed login attempt (wrong OTP) for user from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples @pytest.mark.parametrize("otp_method", ["EMAIL_OTP", "SMS_OTP"]) def test_verify_mail_or_sms_otp_page_without_signin_in_redirects_to_login_page( testclient, user, otp_method ):["CANAILLE"][otp_method] = True res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa", status=302) assert res.location == "/login" assert res.flashes == [ ("warning", "Cannot remember the login you attempted to sign in with") ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("otp_method", ["EMAIL_OTP", "SMS_OTP"]) def test_verify_mail_or_sms_otp_page_already_logged_in( testclient, logged_user, otp_method ):["CANAILLE"][otp_method] = True res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa", status=302) assert res.location == "/profile/user" def test_mask_email(): email = "" assert mask_email(email) == "" email = "hello" assert mask_email(email) is None def test_mask_phone_number(): phone = "+33123456789" assert mask_phone(phone) == "+33#####89" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "otp_method,new_otp_path", [("EMAIL_OTP", "/send-mail-otp"), ("SMS_OTP", "/send-sms-otp")], ) def test_send_new_mail_or_sms_otp_without_signin_in_redirects_to_login_page( testclient, user, otp_method, new_otp_path ):["CANAILLE"][otp_method] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False res =, status=302) assert res.location == "/login" assert res.flashes == [ ("warning", "Cannot remember the login you attempted to sign in with") ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "otp_method,new_otp_path", [("EMAIL_OTP", "/send-mail-otp"), ("SMS_OTP", "/send-sms-otp")], ) def test_send_new_mail_or_sms_otp_already_logged_in( testclient, logged_user, otp_method, new_otp_path ):["CANAILLE"][otp_method] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False res =, status=302) assert res.location == "/profile/user" def test_send_new_mail_otp(smtpd, testclient, backend, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-mail-otp", status=302) backend.reload(user) otp = user.one_time_password assert len(smtpd.messages) == 1 email_content = str(smtpd.messages[0].get_payload()[0]).replace("=\n", "") assert otp in email_content assert ( "success", "Code successfully sent!", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Sent one-time password for user to john@doe.test from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" def test_send_mail_otp_multiple_attempts(testclient, backend, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with"2020-01-01 01:00:00+00:00", tick=False) as traveller: with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-mail-otp", status=302) assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY - 1)) res ="/send-mail-otp", status=302) assert ( "danger", f"Too many attempts. Please try again in {SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY} seconds.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) res ="/send-mail-otp", status=302) assert ( "success", "Code successfully sent!", ) in res.flashes def test_send_new_mail_otp_failed(testclient, user):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True["CANAILLE"]["SMTP"]["HOST"] = "invalid host"["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-mail-otp", status=302) assert ( "danger", "Error while sending one-time password. Please try again.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" def test_send_new_sms_otp(testclient, backend, user, caplog, mock_smpp):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-sms-otp", status=302) backend.reload(user) otp = user.one_time_password assert otp in str(tests.conftest.pdu.generate()) assert ( "success", "Code successfully sent!", ) in res.flashes assert ( "canaille", logging.SECURITY, "Sent one-time password for user to 555-000-000 from unknown IP", ) in caplog.record_tuples assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" def test_send_sms_otp_multiple_attempts(testclient, backend, user, caplog, mock_smpp):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with"2020-01-01 01:00:00+00:00", tick=False) as traveller: with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-sms-otp", status=302) assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY - 1)) res ="/send-sms-otp", status=302) assert ( "danger", f"Too many attempts. Please try again in {SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY} seconds.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" traveller.shift(datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) res ="/send-sms-otp", status=302) assert ( "success", "Code successfully sent!", ) in res.flashes def test_send_new_sms_otp_failed(testclient, user):["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True["CANAILLE"]["SMPP"]["HOST"] = "invalid host"["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] = user.user_name res ="/send-sms-otp", status=302) assert ( "danger", "Error while sending one-time password. Please try again.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/verify-mfa" def test_signin_with_multiple_otp_methods( smtpd, testclient, backend, user_otp, caplog, mock_smpp ):["CANAILLE"]["OTP_METHOD"] = "HOTP"["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True["CANAILLE"]["SMS_OTP"] = True with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert not session.get("user_id") res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login") res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302).follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "user" == session.get("attempt_login_with_correct_password") # TOTP/HOTP res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa") res.form["otp"] = user_otp.generate_otp() res = res.form.submit(status=302).follow(status=200) # EMAIL_OTP res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa") backend.reload(user_otp) otp = user_otp.one_time_password main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = otp res = main_form.submit(status=302).follow(status=200) # SMS_OTP res = testclient.get("/verify-mfa") backend.reload(user_otp) otp = user_otp.one_time_password main_form = res.forms[0] main_form["otp"] = otp res = main_form.submit(status=302).follow(status=302).follow(status=200) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: assert [] == session.get("user_id") assert "attempt_login" not in session assert "attempt_login_with_correct_password" not in session res = testclient.get("/login", status=302) def test_send_password_form_multiple_times(smtpd, testclient, backend, user, caplog):["CANAILLE"]["EMAIL_OTP"] = True res = testclient.get("/login", status=200) res.form["login"] = "user" res = res.form.submit(status=302) res = res.follow(status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) with testclient.session_transaction() as session: session["attempt_login"] = user.user_name del session["attempt_login_with_correct_password"] res = testclient.get("/password", status=200) res.form["password"] = "correct horse battery staple" res = res.form.submit(status=302) assert ( "danger", f"Too many attempts. Please try again in {SEND_NEW_OTP_DELAY} seconds.", ) in res.flashes assert res.location == "/password"