import copy import datetime import uuid from flask import current_app import canaille.core.models import canaille.oidc.models from import models from canaille.backends.models import Model def listify(value): return value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] def serialize(value): return if isinstance(value, MemoryModel) else value class MemoryModel(Model): indexes = {} attribute_indexes = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("id", str(uuid.uuid4())) self.state = {} self.cache = {} for attribute, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, attribute, value) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} id={}>" @classmethod def query(cls, **kwargs): # no filter, return all models if not kwargs: states = cls.index().values() return [cls(**state) for state in states] # read the attribute indexes ids = { id for attribute, values in kwargs.items() for value in listify(values) for id in cls.attribute_index(attribute).get(serialize(value), []) } return [cls(**cls.index()[id]) for id in ids] @classmethod def index(cls, class_name=None): if not class_name: class_name = cls.__name__ return MemoryModel.indexes.setdefault(class_name, {}).setdefault("id", {}) @classmethod def attribute_index(cls, attribute="id", class_name=None): return MemoryModel.attribute_indexes.setdefault( class_name or cls.__name__, {} ).setdefault(attribute, {}) @classmethod def fuzzy(cls, query, attributes=None, **kwargs): attributes = attributes or cls.attributes instances = cls.query(**kwargs) return [ instance for instance in instances if any( query.lower() in value.lower() for attribute in attributes for value in instance.state.get(attribute, []) if isinstance(value, str) ) ] @classmethod def get(cls, identifier=None, **kwargs): if identifier: kwargs[cls.identifier_attribute] = identifier results = cls.query(**kwargs) return results[0] if results else None def save(self): self.last_modified = microsecond=0 ) if not self.created: self.created = self.last_modified self.delete() # update the id index self.index()[] = copy.deepcopy(self.state) # update the index for each attribute for attribute in self.attributes: attribute_values = listify(getattr(self, attribute)) for value in attribute_values: self.attribute_index(attribute).setdefault(value, set()).add( # update the mirror attributes of the submodel instances for attribute in self.model_attributes: klass, mirror_attribute = self.model_attributes[attribute] if not self.index(klass) or not mirror_attribute: continue mirror_attribute_index = self.attribute_index( mirror_attribute, klass ).setdefault(, set()) for subinstance_id in self.state.get(attribute, []): if not subinstance_id or subinstance_id not in self.index(klass): continue subinstance_state = self.index(klass)[subinstance_id] subinstance_state.setdefault(mirror_attribute, []) subinstance_state[mirror_attribute].append( mirror_attribute_index.add(subinstance_id) def delete(self): if not in self.index(): return old_state = self.index()[] # update the index for each attribute for attribute in self.model_attributes: attribute_values = listify(old_state.get(attribute, [])) for value in attribute_values: if ( value in self.attribute_index(attribute) and in self.attribute_index(attribute)[value] ): self.attribute_index(attribute)[value].remove( # update the mirror attributes of the submodel instances klass, mirror_attribute = self.model_attributes[attribute] if not self.index(klass) or not mirror_attribute: continue mirror_attribute_index = self.attribute_index( mirror_attribute, klass ).setdefault(, set()) for subinstance_id in self.index()[].get(attribute, []): if subinstance_id not in self.index(klass): continue subinstance_state = self.index(klass)[subinstance_id] subinstance_state[mirror_attribute].remove( if subinstance_id in mirror_attribute_index: mirror_attribute_index.remove(subinstance_id) # update the index for each attribute for attribute in self.attributes: attribute_values = listify(old_state.get(attribute, [])) for value in attribute_values: if ( value in self.attribute_index(attribute) and in self.attribute_index(attribute)[value] ): self.attribute_index(attribute)[value].remove( # update the id index del self.index()[] def reload(self): self.state = self.__class__.get( self.cache = {} def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, MemoryModel): return self == self.__class__.get(id=other) return self.state == other.state def __hash__(self): return hash( def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.attributes: values = self.cache.get(name, self.state.get(name, [])) if name in self.model_attributes: klass = getattr(models, self.model_attributes[name][0]) values = [ value if isinstance(value, MemoryModel) else klass.get(id=value) for value in values ] values = [value for value in values if value] unique_attribute = "List" not in str(self.attributes[name]) if unique_attribute: return values[0] if values else None else: return values or [] raise AttributeError() def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.attributes: values = listify(value) self.cache[name] = [value for value in values if value] values = [serialize(value) for value in values] values = [value for value in values if value] self.state[name] = values else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __html__(self): return @property def identifier(self): return getattr(self, self.identifier_attribute) class User(canaille.core.models.User, MemoryModel): identifier_attribute = "user_name" model_attributes = { "groups": ("Group", "members"), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.load_permissions() def reload(self): super().reload() self.load_permissions() def load_permissions(self): self.permissions = set() = set() self.write = set() for access_group_name, details in current_app.config["CANAILLE"]["ACL"].items(): if self.match_filter(details.get("FILTER")): self.permissions |= set(details.get("PERMISSIONS", [])) |= set(details.get("READ", [])) self.write |= set(details.get("WRITE", [])) def match_filter(self, filter): if filter is None: return True if isinstance(filter, dict): # not super generic, but we can improve this when we have # type checking and/or pydantic for the models if "groups" in filter: if models.Group.get(id=filter["groups"]): filter["groups"] = models.Group.get(id=filter["groups"]) elif models.Group.get(display_name=filter["groups"]): filter["groups"] = models.Group.get(display_name=filter["groups"]) return all( getattr(self, attribute) and value in getattr(self, attribute) for attribute, value in filter.items() ) return any(self.match_filter(subfilter) for subfilter in filter) @classmethod def get_from_login(cls, login=None, **kwargs): return User.get(user_name=login) def has_password(self): return bool(self.password) def check_password(self, password): if password != self.password: return (False, None) if self.locked: return (False, "Your account has been locked.") return (True, None) def set_password(self, password): self.password = password def save(self): self.last_modified = microsecond=0 ) super().save() class Group(canaille.core.models.Group, MemoryModel): model_attributes = { "members": ("User", "groups"), } identifier_attribute = "display_name" class Client(canaille.oidc.models.Client, MemoryModel): identifier_attribute = "client_id" model_attributes = { "audience": ("Client", None), } class AuthorizationCode(canaille.oidc.models.AuthorizationCode, MemoryModel): identifier_attribute = "authorization_code_id" model_attributes = { "client": ("Client", None), "subject": ("User", None), } class Token(canaille.oidc.models.Token, MemoryModel): identifier_attribute = "token_id" model_attributes = { "client": ("Client", None), "subject": ("User", None), "audience": ("Client", None), } class Consent(canaille.oidc.models.Consent, MemoryModel): identifier_attribute = "consent_id" model_attributes = { "client": ("Client", None), "subject": ("User", None), }