import itertools from import Iterable import ldap.dn import ldap.filter from flask import g from .utils import ldap_to_python from .utils import python_to_ldap def python_attrs_to_ldap(attrs, encode=True): return { name: [ python_to_ldap(value, attribute_ldap_syntax(name), encode=encode) for value in (values if isinstance(values, list) else [values]) ] for name, values in attrs.items() } def attribute_ldap_syntax(attribute_name): ldap_attrs = LDAPObject.ldap_object_attributes() if attribute_name not in ldap_attrs: return None if ldap_attrs[attribute_name].syntax: return ldap_attrs[attribute_name].syntax return attribute_ldap_syntax(ldap_attrs[attribute_name].sup[0]) class LDAPObjectMetaclass(type): ldap_to_python_class = {} def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): klass = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) if attrs.get("ldap_object_class"): for oc in attrs["ldap_object_class"]: cls.ldap_to_python_class[oc] = klass return klass def __setattr__(cls, name, value): super().__setattr__(name, value) if name == "ldap_object_class": for oc in value: cls.ldap_to_python_class[oc] = cls class LDAPObjectQuery: def __init__(self, klass, items): self.klass = klass self.items = items def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): return (self.decorate(obj[1]) for obj in self.items[item]) return self.decorate(self.items[item][1]) def __iter__(self): return (self.decorate(obj[1]) for obj in self.items) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Iterable): return all( a == b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest( iter(self), iter(other), fillvalue=object() ) ) return super().__eq__(other) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.items) def decorate(self, args): klass = self.guess_class(self.klass, args["objectClass"]) obj = klass() obj.state = args obj.exists = True return obj def guess_class(self, klass, object_classes): if klass == LDAPObject: for oc in object_classes: if oc.decode() in LDAPObjectMetaclass.ldap_to_python_class: return LDAPObjectMetaclass.ldap_to_python_class[oc.decode()] return klass class LDAPObject(metaclass=LDAPObjectMetaclass): _object_class_by_name = None _attribute_type_by_name = None _may = None _must = None base = None root_dn = None rdn_attribute = None attributes = None ldap_object_class = None def __init__(self, dn=None, **kwargs): self.state = {} self.changes = {} self.exists = False for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): reverse_attributes = {v: k for k, v in (self.attributes or {}).items()} attribute_name = reverse_attributes.get(self.rdn_attribute, self.rdn_attribute) return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {attribute_name}={self.rdn_value}>" if self.rdn_attribute else "" ) def __eq__(self, other): if not ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.may() == other.may() and self.must() == other.must() and all( hasattr(self, attr) == hasattr(other, attr) for attr in self.may() + self.must() ) ): return False self_attributes = python_attrs_to_ldap( { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.may() + self.must() if hasattr(self, attr) } ) other_attributes = python_attrs_to_ldap( { attr: getattr(other, attr) for attr in self.may() + self.must() if hasattr(self, attr) } ) return self_attributes == other_attributes def __hash__(self): return hash( def __getattr__(self, name): name = self.attributes.get(name, name) if name not in self.ldap_object_attributes(): return super().__getattribute__(name) single_value = self.ldap_object_attributes()[name].single_value if name in self.changes: return self.changes[name][0] if single_value else self.changes[name] if not self.state.get(name): return None if single_value else [] # Lazy conversion from ldap format to python format if any(isinstance(value, bytes) for value in self.state[name]): syntax = attribute_ldap_syntax(name) self.state[name] = [ ldap_to_python(value, syntax) for value in self.state[name] ] if single_value: return self.state.get(name)[0] else: return [value for value in self.state.get(name) if value is not None] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self.attributes: name = self.attributes.get(name, name) if name in self.ldap_object_attributes(): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) else value self.changes[name] = value else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): name = self.attributes.get(name, name) self.changes[name] = [None] @property def rdn_value(self): value = getattr(self, self.rdn_attribute) return (value[0] if isinstance(value, list) else value).strip() @property def dn(self): return self.dn_for(self.rdn_value) @classmethod def dn_for(cls, rdn): return f"{cls.rdn_attribute}={ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(rdn)},{cls.base},{cls.root_dn}" @classmethod def may(cls): if not cls._may: cls.update_ldap_attributes() return cls._may @classmethod def must(cls): return cls._must @classmethod def ldap_connection(cls): return g.ldap_connection @classmethod def install(cls, conn=None): conn = conn or cls.ldap_connection() cls.ldap_object_classes(conn) cls.ldap_object_attributes(conn) acc = "" for organizationalUnit in cls.base.split(",")[::-1]: v = organizationalUnit.split("=")[1] dn = f"{organizationalUnit}{acc},{cls.root_dn}" acc = f",{organizationalUnit}" try: conn.add_s( dn, [ ("objectClass", [b"organizationalUnit"]), ("ou", [v.encode("utf-8")]), ], ) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass @classmethod def ldap_object_classes(cls, conn=None, force=False): if cls._object_class_by_name and not force: return cls._object_class_by_name conn = conn or cls.ldap_connection() res = conn.search_s( "cn=subschema", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ["*", "+"] ) subschema_entry = res[0] subschema_subentry = ldap.cidict.cidict(subschema_entry[1]) subschema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(subschema_subentry) object_class_oids = subschema.listall(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass) cls._object_class_by_name = {} for oid in object_class_oids: object_class = subschema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass, oid) for name in object_class.names: cls._object_class_by_name[name] = object_class return cls._object_class_by_name @classmethod def ldap_object_attributes(cls, conn=None, force=False): if cls._attribute_type_by_name and not force: return cls._attribute_type_by_name conn = conn or cls.ldap_connection() res = conn.search_s( "cn=subschema", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ["*", "+"] ) subschema_entry = res[0] subschema_subentry = ldap.cidict.cidict(subschema_entry[1]) subschema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(subschema_subentry) attribute_type_oids = subschema.listall(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType) cls._attribute_type_by_name = {} for oid in attribute_type_oids: object_class = subschema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType, oid) for name in object_class.names: cls._attribute_type_by_name[name] = object_class return cls._attribute_type_by_name @classmethod def get(cls, id=None, filter=None, conn=None, **kwargs): try: return cls.query(id, filter, conn, **kwargs)[0] except (IndexError, ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT): return None @classmethod def query(cls, id=None, filter=None, conn=None, **kwargs): conn = conn or cls.ldap_connection() base = id or kwargs.get("id") if base is None: base = f"{cls.base},{cls.root_dn}" elif "=" not in base: base = f"{cls.rdn_attribute}={base},{cls.base},{cls.root_dn}" class_filter = ( "".join([f"(objectClass={oc})" for oc in cls.ldap_object_class]) if getattr(cls, "ldap_object_class") else "" ) if class_filter: class_filter = f"(|{class_filter})" arg_filter = "" kwargs = python_attrs_to_ldap( { (cls.attributes or {}).get(name, name): values for name, values in kwargs.items() }, encode=False, ) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if len(value) == 1: escaped_value = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(value[0]) arg_filter += f"({key}={escaped_value})" else: values = [ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(v) for v in value] arg_filter += ( "(|" + "".join([f"({key}={value})" for value in values]) + ")" ) if not filter: filter = "" ldapfilter = f"(&{class_filter}{arg_filter}{filter})" base = base or f"{cls.base},{cls.root_dn}" try: result = conn.search_s( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, ldapfilter or None, ["+", "*"] ) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: result = [] return LDAPObjectQuery(cls, result) @classmethod def fuzzy(cls, query, attributes=None, **kwargs): query = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(query) attributes = attributes or cls.may() + cls.must() attributes = [cls.attributes.get(name, name) for name in attributes] filter = ( "(|" + "".join(f"({attribute}=*{query}*)" for attribute in attributes) + ")" ) return cls.query(filter=filter, **kwargs) @classmethod def update_ldap_attributes(cls): all_object_classes = cls.ldap_object_classes() this_object_classes = { all_object_classes[name] for name in cls.ldap_object_class } done = set() cls._may = [] cls._must = [] while len(this_object_classes) > 0: object_class = this_object_classes.pop() done.add(object_class) this_object_classes |= { all_object_classes[ocsup] for ocsup in object_class.sup if ocsup not in done } cls._may.extend(object_class.may) cls._must.extend(object_class.must) cls._may = list(set(cls._may)) cls._must = list(set(cls._must)) def reload(self, conn=None): conn = conn or self.ldap_connection() result = conn.search_s(, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, None, ["+", "*"]) self.changes = {} self.state = result[0][1] def save(self, conn=None): conn = conn or self.ldap_connection() setattr(self, "objectClass", self.ldap_object_class) # Object already exists in the LDAP database if self.exists: deletions = [ name for name, value in self.changes.items() if ( value is None or (isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1 and not value[0]) ) and name in self.state ] changes = { name: value for name, value in self.changes.items() if name not in deletions and self.state.get(name) != value } formatted_changes = { name: value for name, value in python_attrs_to_ldap(changes).items() if value is not None and len(value) > 0 and value[0] } modlist = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, name, None) for name in deletions] + [ (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, name, values) for name, values in formatted_changes.items() ] conn.modify_s(, modlist) # Object does not exist yet in the LDAP database else: changes = { name: value for name, value in {**self.state, **self.changes}.items() if value and value[0] } formatted_changes = { name: value for name, value in python_attrs_to_ldap(changes).items() if value is not None and value != None } attributes = [(name, values) for name, values in formatted_changes.items()] conn.add_s(, attributes) self.exists = True self.state = {**self.state, **self.changes} self.changes = {} def update(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(k, v) def delete(self, conn=None): conn = conn or self.ldap_connection() conn.delete_s(