{# The multi-factor authentication initialization template. Display a QR-code and the OTP secret. :param user: The user initializing the OTP. :type user: :class:`~canaille.core.models.User` :param secret: The OTP secret. :type secret: :class:`str` :param qr_image: A QR-code image representing the OTP secret. :type qr_image: A base64 encoded :class:`str` #} {% extends theme('base.html') %} {% import 'macro/flask.html' as flask %} {% import 'macro/form.html' as fui %} {% import 'core/partial/login_field.html' as login_field %} {% block container %}
{% block header %} {% if logo_url %} {{ website_name }} {% else %} {% endif %}

{{ _("Sign in as %(username)s", username=user.user_name) }}
{% trans %}Set up multi-factor authentication.{% endtrans %}

{% endblock %} {% block messages %} {{ flask.messages() }} {% endblock %}


  1. Install a One-Time Password (OTP) generator application on your mobile.
  2. Set up a new authenticator.
  3. Scan the QR code below and click "Continue".

Note: If you can't scan the QR code, try entering the secret token in your authenticator app directly.

Secret Token
{% block buttons %} {% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}