import hashlib import pkg_resources from flask import ( Blueprint, request, flash, url_for, current_app, abort, render_template, redirect, ) from flask_babel import gettext as _ from .forms import ( LoginForm, AddProfileForm, EditProfileForm, PasswordResetForm, ForgottenPasswordForm, ) from .apputils import base64logo, send_email from .flaskutils import current_user, user_needed, moderator_needed from .models import User bp = Blueprint(__name__, "home") @bp.route("/") def index(): if not current_user(): return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.login")) return redirect( url_for("canaille.account.profile_edition", username=current_user().uid[0]) ) @bp.route("/about") def about(): try: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("canaille").version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: version = "git" return render_template("about.html", version=version) @bp.route("/login", methods=("GET", "POST")) def login(): form = LoginForm(request.form or None) if request.form: user = User.get( if user and not user.has_password(): return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.firstlogin", uid=user.uid[0])) if not form.validate() or not User.authenticate(,, True ): flash(_("Login failed, please check your information"), "error") return render_template("login.html", form=form) flash(_("Connection successful. Welcome %(user)s",, "success") return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.index")) return render_template("login.html", form=form) @bp.route("/logout") def logout(): user = current_user() if user: flash( _("You have been disconnected. See you next time %(user)s",, "success", ) user.logout() return redirect("/") @bp.route("/firstlogin/", methods=("GET", "POST")) def firstlogin(uid): user = User.get(uid) user and not user.has_password() or abort(404) form = ForgottenPasswordForm(request.form or None, data={"login": uid}) if not request.form: return render_template("firstlogin.html", form=form, uid=uid) if not form.validate(): flash(_("Could not send the password initialization link."), "error") return render_template("firstlogin.html", form=form, uid=uid) base_url = url_for("canaille.account.index", _external=True) reset_url = url_for( "canaille.account.reset", uid=user.uid[0], hash=profile_hash( user.uid[0], user.userPassword[0] if user.has_password() else "" ), _external=True, ) logo, logo_extension = base64logo() subject = _("Password initialization on {website_name}").format( website_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url) ) text_body = render_template( "mail/firstlogin.txt", site_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url), site_url=base_url, reset_url=reset_url, ) html_body = render_template( "mail/firstlogin.html", site_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url), site_url=base_url, reset_url=reset_url, logo=logo, logo_extension=logo_extension, ) success = send_email( subject=subject, sender=current_app.config["SMTP"]["FROM_ADDR"], recipient=user.mail, text=text_body, html=html_body, ) if success: flash( _( "A password initialization link has been sent at your email address. You should receive it within 10 minutes." ), "success", ) else: flash(_("Could not send the password initialization email"), "error") return render_template("firstlogin.html", form=form, uid=uid) @bp.route("/users") @moderator_needed() def users(user): users = User.filter(objectClass=current_app.config["LDAP"]["USER_CLASS"]) return render_template("users.html", users=users, menuitem="users") @bp.route("/profile", methods=("GET", "POST")) @moderator_needed() def profile_creation(user): claims = current_app.config["JWT"]["MAPPING"] form = AddProfileForm(request.form or None) try: del form.sub.render_kw["readonly"] except KeyError: pass if request.form: if not form.validate(): flash(_("User creation failed."), "error") else: user = User(objectClass=current_app.config["LDAP"]["USER_CLASS"]) for attribute in form: model_attribute_name = claims.get( if ( not model_attribute_name or model_attribute_name not in user.must + user.may ): continue user[model_attribute_name] = [] = [f"{user.givenName[0]} {[0]}"] flash(_("User creation succeed."), "success") return redirect( url_for("canaille.account.profile_edition", username=user.uid[0]) ) return render_template( "profile.html", form=form, menuitem="users", edited_user=None ) @bp.route("/profile/", methods=("GET", "POST")) @user_needed() def profile_edition(user, username): user.moderator or username == user.uid[0] or abort(403) if request.method == "GET" or request.form.get("action") == "edit": return profile_edit(user, username) if request.form.get("action") == "delete": return profile_delete(user, username) abort(400) def profile_edit(user, username): menuitem = "profile" if username == user.uid[0] else "users" claims = current_app.config["JWT"]["MAPPING"] if username != user.uid[0]: user = User.get(username) or abort(404) data = { k.lower(): getattr(user, v)[0] if getattr(user, v) and isinstance(getattr(user, v), list) else getattr(user, v) or "" for k, v in claims.items() } form = EditProfileForm(request.form or None, data=data) form.sub.render_kw["readonly"] = "true" if request.form: if not form.validate(): flash(_("Profile edition failed."), "error") else: for attribute in form: model_attribute_name = claims.get( if ( not model_attribute_name or model_attribute_name not in user.must + user.may ): continue user[model_attribute_name] = [] if not or user.set_password( flash(_("Profile updated successfuly."), "success") return render_template( "profile.html", form=form, menuitem=menuitem, edited_user=user ) def profile_delete(user, username): self_deletion = username == user.uid[0] if self_deletion: user.logout() else: user = User.get(username) or abort(404) flash(_("The user %(user)s has been sucessfuly deleted",, "success") user.delete() if self_deletion: return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.index")) return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.users")) def profile_hash(user, password): return hashlib.sha256( current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"].encode("utf-8") + user.encode("utf-8") + password.encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() @bp.route("/reset", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def forgotten(): form = ForgottenPasswordForm(request.form) if not request.form: return render_template("forgotten-password.html", form=form) if not form.validate(): flash(_("Could not send the password reset link."), "error") return render_template("forgotten-password.html", form=form) user = User.get( if not user: flash( _( "A password reset link has been sent at your email address. You should receive it within 10 minutes." ), "success", ) return render_template("forgotten-password.html", form=form) base_url = url_for("canaille.account.index", _external=True) reset_url = url_for( "canaille.account.reset", uid=user.uid[0], hash=profile_hash( user.uid[0], user.userPassword[0] if user.has_password() else "" ), _external=True, ) logo, logo_extension = base64logo() subject = _("Password reset on {website_name}").format( website_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url) ) text_body = render_template( "mail/reset.txt", site_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url), site_url=base_url, reset_url=reset_url, ) html_body = render_template( "mail/reset.html", site_name=current_app.config.get("NAME", reset_url), site_url=base_url, reset_url=reset_url, logo=logo, logo_extension=logo_extension, ) success = send_email( subject=subject, sender=current_app.config["SMTP"]["FROM_ADDR"], recipient=user.mail, text=text_body, html=html_body, ) if success: flash( _( "A password reset link has been sent at your email address. You should receive it within 10 minutes." ), "success", ) else: flash(_("Could not reset your password"), "error") return render_template("forgotten-password.html", form=form) @bp.route("/reset//", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def reset(uid, hash): form = PasswordResetForm(request.form) user = User.get(uid) if not user or hash != profile_hash( user.uid[0], user.userPassword[0] if user.has_password() else "" ): flash( _("The password reset link that brought you here was invalid."), "error", ) return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.index")) if request.form and form.validate(): user.set_password( user.login() flash(_("Your password has been updated successfuly"), "success") return redirect(url_for("canaille.account.profile_edition", username=uid)) return render_template("reset-password.html", form=form, uid=uid, hash=hash)