import os

import ldap
import pytest
import toml
from canaille import create_app
from canaille.flaskutils import set_parameter_in_url_query
from canaille.installation import setup_ldap_tree
from canaille.ldap_backend.backend import setup_ldap_models
from flask import g
from flask_webtest import TestApp

def test_set_parameter_in_url_query():
    assert (
        set_parameter_in_url_query("https://auth.mydomain.tld", foo="bar")
        == "https://auth.mydomain.tld?foo=bar"

    assert (
        set_parameter_in_url_query("https://auth.mydomain.tld?foo=baz", foo="bar")
        == "https://auth.mydomain.tld?foo=bar"

    assert (
        set_parameter_in_url_query("https://auth.mydomain.tld?foo=baz", hello="world")
        == "https://auth.mydomain.tld?foo=baz&hello=world"

def test_environment_configuration(slapd_server, configuration, tmp_path):
    config_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "config.toml")
    with open(config_path, "w") as fd:
        toml.dump(configuration, fd)

    os.environ["CONFIG"] = config_path
    app = create_app()
    assert app.config["LDAP"]["ROOT_DN"] == slapd_server.suffix

    del os.environ["CONFIG"]

def test_no_configuration():
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
        app = create_app()

    assert "No configuration file found." in str(exc)

def test_logging_to_file(configuration, tmp_path, smtpd, admin, slapd_server):
    assert len(smtpd.messages) == 0
    log_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "canaille.log")
    logging_configuration = {
        "LOGGING": {"LEVEL": "DEBUG", "PATH": log_path},
    app = create_app(logging_configuration)
    app.config["TESTING"] = True

    with app.app_context():
        g.ldap = ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject(slapd_server.ldap_uri)
        g.ldap.protocol_version = 3
        g.ldap.simple_bind_s(slapd_server.root_dn, slapd_server.root_pw)

        testclient = TestApp(app)
        with testclient.session_transaction() as sess:
            sess["user_dn"] = [admin.dn]

        res = testclient.get("/admin/mail")
        res.form["mail"] = ""
        res = res.form.submit()


    assert len(smtpd.messages) == 1
    assert "You have been invited to create an account on" in smtpd.messages[0].get(

    with open(log_path) as fd:
        log_content =

    assert (
        "Sending a mail to You have been invited to create an account on"
        in log_content