Contribute ========== Contributions are welcome! Unit tests ---------- To run the tests, you just need to run `tox`. Everything must be green before patches get merged. Style ----- We use `black` to format our code. Please apply `black` on your patches before submiting them. Development environment ----------------------- To try a development environment, you can run the docker image and then open You can then connect with user *admin* and password *admin* to access an admin account, or user *user* and password *user* for a regular one. .. code-block:: console cp canaille/conf/config.sample.toml canaille/conf/config.toml cp canaille/conf/oauth-authorization-server.sample.json canaille/conf/oauth-authorization-server.json cp canaille/conf/openid-configuration.sample.json canaille/conf/openid-configuration.json docker-compose up