
.. contents::


Canaille comes with a lightweight inmemory backend by default.
This backend is only for test purpose and should not be used in production environments.

It is used when the ``BACKENDS`` configuration parameter is unset or empty.


Canaille can integrate with several OpenLDAP overlays:

memberof / refint

*memberof* and *refint* overlays are needed for the Canaille group membership to work correctly.

Here is a configuration example compatible with canaille:

.. literalinclude :: ../demo/ldif/memberof-config.ldif
   :language: ldif

.. literalinclude :: ../demo/ldif/refint-config.ldif
   :language: ldif


If *ppolicy* is configured and the ``pwdEndTime`` attribute is available (since OpenLDAP 2.6), then account locking support will be enabled in canaille. To allow users to manage account expiration, they need to have a *write* permission on the ``lock_date`` attribute.

Here is a configuration example compatible with canaille:

.. literalinclude :: ../demo/ldif/ppolicy-config.ldif
   :language: ldif

.. literalinclude :: ../demo/ldif/ppolicy.ldif
   :language: ldif