**Canaille** is a French word meaning *rascal*. It is roughly pronounced **Can I?**,
as in *Can I access your data?* Canaille is a lightweight identity and authorization management software.
It aims to be very light, simple to install and simple to maintain. Its main features are :
- User profile and groups management;
- Authentication, registration, email confirmation, "I forgot my password" emails;
- OpenID Connect identity provider;
- postgresql, mariadb and OpenLDAP first-class citizenship;
- Customizable, themable;
- The code is easy to read and easy to edit!
# Screenshots
# Try it!
## Locally
cd demo
# Either run the demo locally
# or run the demo in docker
docker compose up
## [Online](https://demo.canaille.yaal.coop)!
You have access to:
- a canaille server at [https://demo.canaille.yaal.coop](https://demo.canaille.yaal.coop)
- a dummy client at [https://demo.client1.yaal.coop](https://demo.client1.yaal.coop)
- another dummy client at [https://demo.client2.yaal.coop](https://demo.client2.yaal.coop)
The canaille server has some default users:
- A regular user which login and password are **user**
- A moderator user which login and password are **moderator**
- An admin user which login and password are **admin**
Online demo data are reset every night at 02:00 CEST.
# Documentation
⚠ Canaille is under heavy development and may not fit a production environment yet. However, [contributions](CONTRIBUTING.rst) are welcome! ⚠
- Please have a look on our [documentation](https://canaille.readthedocs.io);
- To **install** canaille, just follow the [installation guide](https://canaille.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html);
- To **contribute** to canaille, please read the [contribution guide](https://canaille.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing.html).
## Translation status