{% extends theme('base.html') %} {%- block title -%} {%- trans %}My consents{% endtrans -%} {%- endblock -%} {% block submenu %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ _("Pre-authorized applications") }}
{% trans %}Those applications automatically have authorizations to access you data.{% endtrans %}

{% if preconsented %}
{% for client in preconsented %}
{% if client.logo_uri %} {% endif %} {% if client.client_uri %} {{ client.client_name }} {% else %}
{{ client.client_name }}
{% endif %}

{% trans %}Has access to:{% endtrans %}

{% for scope in client.scope %} {% if scope not in ignored_scopes %} {% if scope not in scope_details %}
{{ scope }}
{% else %}
{{ scope_details[scope][1] }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if client.policy_uri %} {% endif %} {% if client.tos_uri %} {% endif %} {% trans %}Revoke access{% endtrans %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}

{% trans %}There is nothing here{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}