Configuration ############# Canaille can be configured either by a environment variables, environment file, or by a configuration file. Configuration file ================== The configuration can be written in `toml` configuration file which path is passed in the :envvar:`CONFIG` environment variable. .. code-block:: toml :caption: config.toml SECRET_KEY = "very-secret" [CANAILLE] NAME = "My organization" [CANAILLE_SQL] DATABASE_URI = "postgresql://user:password@localhost/database" ... You can have a look at the :ref:`example file ` for inspiration. Environment variables ===================== In addition, parameters that have not been set in the configuration file can be read from environment variables. The way environment variables are parsed can be read from the `pydantic-settings documentation `_. .. tip:: For environment vars, the separator between sections and variables is a double underscore: ``__``. For instance, the ``NAME`` var in the ``CANAILLE`` section shown above is ``CANAILLE__NAME``. Environment file ================ Any environment variable can also be written in a ``.env``, and will be read if present. .. code-block:: bash :caption: .env SECRET_KEY="very-secret" CANAILLE__NAME="My organization" CANAILLE_SQL__DATABASE_URI="postgresql://user:password@localhost/database" .. TODO: Uncomment this when pydantic-settings implements nested secrets directories Secret parameters ================= A :envvar:`SECRETS_DIR` environment variable can be passed as an environment variable, being a path to a directory in which are stored files named after the configuration settings. For instance, you can set ``SECRETS_DIR=/run/secrets`` and put your secret key in the file ``/run/secrets/SECRET_KEY``. Parameters ========== .. autopydantic_settings:: .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.core.configuration.CoreSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.core.configuration.SMTPSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.core.configuration.ACLSettings .. autoclass:: canaille.core.configuration.Permission :members: .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.oidc.configuration.OIDCSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.oidc.configuration.JWTSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.oidc.configuration.JWTMappingSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.backends.sql.configuration.SQLSettings .. autopydantic_settings:: canaille.backends.ldap.configuration.LDAPSettings Example file ============ Here is a configuration file example: .. literalinclude :: ../../canaille/config.sample.toml :language: toml :caption: config.toml