import datetime import inspect import json import typing import click from flask.cli import AppGroup from flask.cli import with_appcontext from import with_backendcontext from import MODELS from canaille.backends import Backend from canaille.backends.models import Model class ModelCommand(AppGroup): """CLI commands that takes a model subcommand.""" def __init__(self, *args, factory, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.factory = factory @with_appcontext def list_commands(self, ctx): base = super().list_commands(ctx) lazy = sorted(MODELS.keys()) return base + lazy @with_appcontext def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): model = MODELS.get(cmd_name) return self.factory(model) def model_getter(model): """Return a method that gets a model from its id.""" model_name = model.__name__.lower() model = MODELS.get(model_name) @with_backendcontext def wrapped(id): return Backend.instance.get(model, id) if id else None return wrapped def click_type(attribute_type): """Find click type for a given model attribute type.""" if typing.get_origin(attribute_type): attribute_type = typing.get_args(attribute_type)[0] if typing.get_origin(attribute_type) is typing.Annotated: attribute_type = typing.get_args(attribute_type)[0] if issubclass(attribute_type, Model): return model_getter(attribute_type) if attribute_type is datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat return attribute_type def is_multiple(attribute_type): return typing.get_origin(attribute_type) is list def register(cli): """Generate commands using factories that each have one subcommand per available model.""" factories = [get_factory, set_factory, create_factory, delete_factory] for factory in factories: command_help = inspect.getdoc(factory) name = factory.__name__.replace("_factory", "") @cli.command(cls=ModelCommand, factory=factory, name=name, help=command_help) def factory_command(): ... def serialize(instance): """Quick and dirty serialization method. This can probably be made simpler when we will use pydantic models. """ def serialize_attribute(attribute_name, value): multiple = is_multiple(instance.attributes[attribute_name]) if multiple and isinstance(value, list): return [serialize_attribute(attribute_name, v) for v in value] model, _ = instance.get_model_annotations(attribute_name) if model: return anonymized = ("password",) if attribute_name in anonymized and value: return "***" if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() return value result = {} for attribute in instance.attributes: if serialized := serialize_attribute(attribute, getattr(instance, attribute)): result[attribute] = serialized return result def get_factory(model): """Read information about models. Options can be used to filter models:: canaille get user --given-name John --last-name Doe Displays the matching models in JSON format in the standard output. """ command_help = f"""Search for {model.__name__.lower()}s and display the matching models as JSON.""" @click.command(name=model.__name__.lower(), help=command_help) @with_appcontext @with_backendcontext def command(*args, **kwargs): filter = { attribute: value for attribute, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None } items = Backend.instance.query(model, **filter) output = json.dumps([serialize(item) for item in items]) click.echo(output) for attribute, attribute_type in model.attributes.items(): slug = attribute.replace("_", "-") click.option(f"--{slug}", type=click_type(attribute_type))(command) return command def set_factory(model): """Update models. The command takes an model ID and edit one or several attributes:: canaille set user 229d112e-1bb5-452f-b2ac-f7680ffe7fb8 --given-name Jack Displays the edited model in JSON format in the standard output. """ command_help = f"""Update a {model.__name__.lower()} and display the edited model in JSON format in the standard output. IDENTIFIER should be a {model.__name__.lower()} id or {model.identifier_attribute} """ @click.command(name=model.__name__.lower(), help=command_help) @with_appcontext @with_backendcontext @click.argument("identifier") def command(*args, identifier, **kwargs): instance = Backend.instance.get(model, identifier) if not instance: raise click.ClickException( f"No {model.__name__.lower()} with id '{identifier}'" ) for attribute, value in kwargs.items(): multiple = is_multiple(model.attributes[attribute]) if multiple: if value != (): value = [v for v in value if v] setattr(instance, attribute, value) elif value is not None: setattr(instance, attribute, value or None) try: except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover raise click.ClickException(exc) from exc output = json.dumps(serialize(instance)) click.echo(output) attributes = dict(model.attributes) del attributes["id"] for attribute, attribute_type in attributes.items(): slug = attribute.replace("_", "-") click.option( f"--{slug}", type=click_type(attribute_type), multiple=is_multiple(attribute_type), )(command) return command def create_factory(model): """Create models. The model attributes can be passed as command options:: canaille create user --given-name John --last-name Doe Displays the created model in JSON format in the standard output. """ command_help = f"""Create a new {model.__name__.lower()} and display the created model in JSON format in the standard output. """ @click.command(name=model.__name__.lower(), help=command_help) @with_appcontext @with_backendcontext def command(*args, **kwargs): attributes = {} for attribute, value in kwargs.items(): multiple = is_multiple(model.attributes[attribute]) if multiple: value = list(value) if value is not None and value != []: attributes[attribute] = value instance = model(**attributes) try: except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover raise click.ClickException(exc) from exc output = json.dumps(serialize(instance)) click.echo(output) attributes = dict(model.attributes) del attributes["id"] for attribute, attribute_type in attributes.items(): slug = attribute.replace("_", "-") click.option( f"--{slug}", type=click_type(attribute_type), multiple=is_multiple(attribute_type), )(command) return command def delete_factory(model): """Delete models. The command takes a model ID and deletes it:: canaille delete user --id 229d112e-1bb5-452f-b2ac-f7680ffe7fb8 """ command_help = f"""Delete a {model.__name__.lower()}. IDENTIFIER should be a {model.__name__.lower()} id or {model.identifier_attribute} """ @click.command(name=model.__name__.lower(), help=command_help) @with_appcontext @with_backendcontext @click.argument("identifier") def command(*args, identifier, **kwargs): instance = Backend.instance.get(model, identifier) if not instance: raise click.ClickException( f"No {model.__name__.lower()} with id '{identifier}'" ) try: Backend.instance.delete(instance) except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover raise click.ClickException(exc) from exc return command