Contribute ========== Contributions are welcome! The repository is hosted at ` `_. Discuss ------- If you want to implement a feature or a bugfix, please start by discussing it with us on the `bugtracker `_ or the `matrix room `_. Development environment ----------------------- You can either run the demo locally or with docker. After having launched the demo you have access to several services: - A canaille server at `localhost:5000 `_ - A dummy client at `localhost:5001 `_ - Another dummy client at `localhost:5002 `_ The canaille server has some default users: - A regular user which login and password are **user**; - A moderator user which login and password are **moderator**; - An admin user which admin and password are **admin**; - A new user which login is **james**. This user has no password yet, and his first attempt to log-in would result in sending a password initialization email (if a smtp server is configurated). Backends ~~~~~~~~ Canaille comes with two backends: - a lightweight test purpose `memory` backend - a production-ready `LDAP` backend Docker environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to develop with docker, your browser needs to be able to reach the `canaille` container. The docker-compose file exposes the right ports, but front requests are from outside the docker network: the `canaille` url that makes sense for docker, points nowhere from your browser. As exposed ports are on `localhost`, you need to tell your computer that `canaille` url means `localhost`. To do that, you can add the following line to your `/etc/hosts`: .. code-block:: console canaille To launch containers, use: .. code-block:: console cd demo # To run the demo with the memory backend: docker compose up # To run the demo with the LDAP backend: docker compose --file docker-compose-ldap.yml up Local environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console # To run the demo with the memory backend: ./demo/ If you want to run the demo locally with the LDAP backend, you need to have OpenLDAP installed on your system. .. code-block:: console # To run the demo with the LDAP backend: ./demo/ --backend ldap .. warning :: On Debian or Ubuntu systems, the OpenLDAP `slapd` binary usage might be restricted by apparmor, and thus makes the tests and the demo fail. This can be mitigated by removing apparmor restrictions on `slapd`. .. code-block:: console sudo apt install --yes apparmor-utils sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/slapd Populate the database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The demo database comes populated with some random users and groups. If you need more, you can generate users and groups with the ``populate`` command: .. code-block:: console # If using docker: docker compose exec canaille env CONFIG=conf-docker/canaille-ldap.toml poetry run canaille populate --nb 100 users # or docker-compose # If running in local environment env CONFIG=conf/canaille-ldap.toml poetry run canaille populate --nb 100 users Note that this will not work with the memory backend. Unit tests ---------- To run the tests, you just can run `poetry run pytest` and/or `tox` to test all the supported python environments. Everything must be green before patches get merged. To test a specific backend you can pass ``--backend memory`` or ``--backend ldap`` to pytest and tox. The test coverage is 100%, patches won't be accepted if not entirely covered. You can check the test coverage with ``poetry run pytest --cov --cov-report=html`` or ``tox -e coverage -- --cov-report=html``. You can check the HTML coverage report in the newly created `htmlcov` directory. Code style ---------- We use `black` along with other tools to format our code. Please run ``tox -e style`` on your patches before submiting them. In order to perform a style check and correction at each commit you can use our `pre-commit `_ configuration with ``pre-commit install``. Front ----- The interface is built upon the `Fomantic UI `_ CSS framework. The dynamical parts of the interface use `htmx `_. - Using Javascript in the interface is tolerated, but the whole website MUST be accessible for browsers without Javascript support, and without any feature loss. - Because of Fomantic UI we have a dependency to jQuery, however new contributions should not depend on jQuery at all. See the `related issue `_. Translation ----------- Translations are done with `Weblate `_, so all translation contributions should be done there. Documentation ------------- The documentation is generated when the tests run: .. code-block:: console tox -e doc The generated documentation is located at `./build/sphinx/html`.