{% if logo_url %}{% endif %} {% block style %}{% endblock %}

Canaille client
{{ name }}

{% with messages = get_flashed_messages(with_categories=true) %} {% for category, message in messages %}
{{ message }}
{% endfor %} {% endwith %}

This is a dummy OpenID Connect client. It illustrates how to plug another service on canaille so users can log in from canaille, consents to share data, and then are redirect to the service.

{% if user %}

Here are the information this service has access to:

{% if user.picture %}
{% endif %}
{{ user.preferred_username or user.name }}
{{ user.sub }}
{% if user.name %}
{{ user.name }}
{% endif %} {% if user.address %}
{{ user.address }}
{% endif %} {% if user.email %} {% endif %} {% if user.phone_number %} {% endif %} {% if user.preferred_language %}
{{ user.preferred_language }}
{% endif %} {% if user.groups %}
{% for group in user.groups %} {{ group }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if user.website %} Website {% endif %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% block script %}{% endblock %}