**Canaille** is a French word meaning *rascal*. It is roughly pronounced **Can I?**, as in *Can I access your data?* Canaille is a simple account manager and an OpenID Connect provider based upon a LDAP database. It aims to be very light, simple to install and simple to maintain. Its main features are : - Authentication and user profile edition against a LDAP directory; - "I forgot my password" emails; - Only OpenID Connect: no outdated or exotic protocol support; - No additional database required: everything is stored in your LDAP server; - Customizable, themable; - The code is easy to read and easy to edit, and you should! # Screenshots
Canaille login page Canaille profile page Canaille consent page
# Try it! ```bash cd demo ./ ``` # Documentation ⚠ Canaille is under heavy development and may not fit a production environment yet. However, [contributions](CONTRIBUTING.rst) are welcome! ⚠ - Please have a look on our [documentation](; - To **install** canaille, just follow the [installation guide](; - To **contribute** to canaille, please read the [contribution guide](