# All the Flask configuration values can be used: # https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/config/#builtin-configuration-values # The flask secret key for cookies. You MUST change this. SECRET_KEY = "change me before you go in production" # Your organization name. # NAME = "Canaille" # The interface on which canaille will be served # SERVER_NAME = "auth.mydomain.tld" # PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = "https" # You can display a logo to be recognized on login screens LOGO = "/static/img/canaille-head.png" # Your favicon. If unset the LOGO will be used. FAVICON = "/static/img/canaille-c.png" # The name of a theme in the 'theme' directory, or an absolute path # to a theme. Defaults to 'default'. Theming is done with # https://github.com/tktech/flask-themer # THEME = "default" # If unset, language is detected # LANGUAGE = "en" # Path to the RFC8414 metadata file. You should update those files # with your production URLs. OAUTH2_METADATA_FILE = "canaille/conf/oauth-authorization-server.json" OIDC_METADATA_FILE = "canaille/conf/openid-configuration.json" # If you have a sentry instance, you can set its dsn here: # SENTRY_DSN = "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0" # If HIDE_INVALID_LOGINS is set to true (the default), when an user # tries to sign in with an invalid login, a message is shown indicating # that the password is wrong, but does not give a clue wether the login # exists or not. # If HIDE_INVALID_LOGINS is set to false, when an user tries to sign in with # an invalid login, a message is shown indicating that the login does not # exist. # HIDE_INVALID_LOGINS = true # If ENABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY is false, then users cannot ask for a password # recovery link by email. This option is true by default. # ENABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY = true # The validity duration of registration invitations, in seconds. # Defaults to 2 days # INVITATION_EXPIRATION = 172800 [LOGGING] # LEVEL can be one value among: # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL # Defaults to WARNING # LEVEL = "WARNING" # The path of the log file. If not set (the default) logs are # written in the standard error output. # PATH = "" [LDAP] URI = "ldap://ldap" ROOT_DN = "dc=mydomain,dc=tld" BIND_DN = "cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=tld" BIND_PW = "admin" # TIMEOUT = # Where to search for users? USER_BASE = "ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld" # The object class to use for creating new users # USER_CLASS = "inetOrgPerson" # The attribute to identify an object in the User dn. # USER_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "cn" # Filter to match users on sign in. Supports a variable # {login} that can be used to compare against several fields: # USER_FILTER = "(|(uid={login})(mail={login}))" # Where to search for groups? GROUP_BASE = "ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=tld" # The object class to use for creating new groups # GROUP_CLASS = "groupOfNames" # The attribute to identify an object in the User dn. # GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "cn" # The attribute to use to identify a group # GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "cn" # A filter to check if a user belongs to a group # A 'user' variable is available. # GROUP_USER_FILTER = "member={user.dn}" # You can define access controls that define what users can do on canaille # An access control consists in a FILTER to match users, a list of PERMISSIONS # matched users will be able to perform, and fields users will be able # to READ and WRITE. Users matching several filters will cumulate permissions. # # A 'FILTER' parameter that is a LDAP filter used to determine if a user # belongs to an access control. If absent, all the users will match this # access control. If your LDAP server has the 'memberof' overlay, you can # filter against group membership. # Here are some examples # FILTER = 'uid=admin' # FILTER = 'memberof=cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=tld' # # The 'PERMISSIONS' parameter that is an list of items the users in the access # control will be able to manage. 'PERMISSIONS' is optionnal. Values can be: # - "use_oidc" to allow OpenID Connect authentication # - "manage_oidc" to allow OpenID Connect client managements # - "manage_users" to allow other users management # - "manage_groups" to allow group edition and creation # - "delete_account" allows a user to delete his own account. If used with # manage_users, the user can delete any account # - "impersonate_users" to allow a user to take the identity of another user # # The 'READ' and 'WRITE' attributes are the LDAP attributes of the user # object that users will be able to read and/or write. [ACL.DEFAULT] PERMISSIONS = ["use_oidc"] READ = ["uid", "groups"] WRITE = ["givenName", "sn", "userPassword", "telephoneNumber", "jpegPhoto", "mail", "labeledURI"] [ACL.ADMIN] FILTER = "memberof=cn=moderators,ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=tld" PERMISSIONS = [ "manage_users", "manage_groups", "manage_oidc", "delete_account", "impersonate_users", ] WRITE = ["groups"] # The jwt configuration. You can generate a RSA keypair with: # openssl genrsa -out private.pem 4096 # openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public.pem [JWT] # The path to the private key. PRIVATE_KEY = "canaille/conf/private.pem" # The path to the public key. PUBLIC_KEY = "canaille/conf/public.pem" # The key type parameter # KTY = "RSA" # The key algorithm # ALG = "RS256" # The time the JWT will be valid, in seconds # EXP = 3600 [JWT.MAPPING] # Mapping between JWT fields and LDAP attributes from your # User objectClass. # {attribute} will be replaced by the user ldap attribute value. # Default values fits inetOrgPerson. SUB = "{{ user.uid[0] }}" NAME = "{{ user.cn[0] }}" PHONE_NUMBER = "{{ user.telephoneNumber[0] }}" EMAIL = "{{ user.mail[0] }}" GIVEN_NAME = "{{ user.givenName[0] }}" FAMILY_NAME = "{{ user.sn[0] }}" PREFERRED_USERNAME = "{{ user.displayName[0] }}" LOCALE = "{{ user.preferredLanguage[0] }}" ADDRESS = "{{ user.postalAddress[0] }}" PICTURE = "{% if user.jpegPhoto %}{{ url_for('account.photo', uid=user.uid[0], field='jpegPhoto', _external=True) }}{% endif %}" WEBSITE = "{{ user.labeledURI[0] }}" # The SMTP server options. If not set, mail related features such as # user invitations, and password reset emails, will be disabled. [SMTP] # HOST = "localhost" # PORT = 25 # TLS = false # LOGIN = "" # PASSWORD = "" FROM_ADDR = "admin@mydomain.tld"