import copy import datetime import uuid from typing import Any from flask import current_app import canaille.backends.memory.models from canaille.backends import Backend from canaille.backends import get_lockout_delay_message def listify(value): if value is None: return [] return value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] class MemoryBackend(Backend): indexes: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None """Associates ids and states.""" attribute_indexes = None """Associates attribute values and ids.""" def index(self, model): if not self.indexes: self.indexes = {} model_name = model if isinstance(model, str) else model.__name__ return self.indexes.setdefault(model_name, {}) def attribute_index(self, model, attribute="id"): if not self.attribute_indexes: self.attribute_indexes = {} model_name = model if isinstance(model, str) else model.__name__ return self.attribute_indexes.setdefault(model_name, {}).setdefault( attribute, {} ) @classmethod def install(cls, app): pass def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass @classmethod def validate(cls, config): pass @classmethod def login_placeholder(cls): return "" def has_account_lockability(self): return True def get_user_from_login(self, login): from .models import User return self.get(User, user_name=login) def check_user_password(self, user, password): if current_app.features.has_intruder_lockout: if current_lockout_delay := user.get_intruder_lockout_delay(): return (False, get_lockout_delay_message(current_lockout_delay)) if password != user.password: if current_app.features.has_intruder_lockout: self.record_failed_attempt(user) return (False, None) if user.locked: return (False, "Your account has been locked.") return (True, None) def set_user_password(self, user, password): user.password = password user.password_last_update = datetime.timezone.utc ).replace(microsecond=0) def query(self, model, **kwargs): # if there is no filter, return all models if not kwargs: states = self.index(model).values() return [model(**state) for state in states] # get the ids from the attribute indexes ids = { id for attribute, values in kwargs.items() for value in model.serialize(listify(values)) for id in self.attribute_index(model, attribute).get(value, []) } # get the states from the ids states = [self.index(model)[id] for id in ids] # initialize instances from the states instances = [model(**state) for state in states] for instance in instances: # TODO: maybe find a way to not initialize the cache in the first place? instance._cache = {} return instances def fuzzy(self, model, query, attributes=None, **kwargs): attributes = attributes or model.attributes instances = self.query(model, **kwargs) return [ instance for instance in instances if any( query.lower() in value.lower() for attribute in attributes for value in listify(instance._state.get(attribute, [])) if isinstance(value, str) ) ] def get(self, model, identifier=None, /, **kwargs): if identifier: return ( self.get(model, **{model.identifier_attribute: identifier}) or self.get(model, id=identifier) or None ) results = self.query(model, **kwargs) return results[0] if results else None def save(self, instance): if ( isinstance(instance, canaille.backends.memory.models.User) and current_app.features.has_otp and not instance.secret_token ): instance.initialize_otp() if not = str(uuid.uuid4()) instance.last_modified = microsecond=0 ) if not instance.created: instance.created = instance.last_modified self.index_delete(instance) self.index_save(instance) instance._cache = {} def delete(self, instance): # run the instance delete callback if existing delete_callback = instance.delete() if hasattr(instance, "delete") else iter([]) next(delete_callback, None) self.index_delete(instance) # run the instance delete callback again if existing next(delete_callback, None) def reload(self, instance): # run the instance reload callback if existing reload_callback = instance.reload() if hasattr(instance, "reload") else iter([]) next(reload_callback, None) instance._state = Backend.instance.get( instance.__class__, )._state instance._cache = {} # run the instance reload callback again if existing next(reload_callback, None) def index_save(self, instance): # update the id index self.index(instance.__class__)[] = copy.deepcopy(instance._state) # update the index for each attribute for attribute in instance.attributes: attribute_values = listify(instance._state.get(attribute, [])) for value in attribute_values: self.attribute_index(instance.__class__, attribute).setdefault( value, set() ).add( # update the mirror attributes of the submodel instances for attribute in instance.attributes: model, mirror_attribute = instance.get_model_annotations(attribute) if not model or not self.index(model) or not mirror_attribute: continue mirror_attribute_index = self.attribute_index( model, mirror_attribute ).setdefault(, set()) for subinstance_id in listify(instance._state.get(attribute, [])): # add the current object in the subinstance state subinstance_state = self.index(model)[subinstance_id] subinstance_state.setdefault(mirror_attribute, []) subinstance_state[mirror_attribute].append( # add the current object in the subinstance index mirror_attribute_index.add(subinstance_id) def index_delete(self, instance): if not in self.index(instance.__class__): return old_state = self.index(instance.__class__)[] # update the index for each attribute for attribute in instance.attributes: attribute_values = listify(old_state.get(attribute, [])) for value in attribute_values: self.attribute_index(instance.__class__, attribute)[value].remove( ) # update the mirror attributes of the submodel instances model, mirror_attribute = instance.get_model_annotations(attribute) if not model or not self.index(model) or not mirror_attribute: continue mirror_attribute_index = self.attribute_index( model, mirror_attribute ).setdefault(, set()) for subinstance_id in self.index(instance.__class__)[].get( attribute, [] ): # remove the current object from the subinstance state subinstance_state = self.index(model)[subinstance_id] subinstance_state[mirror_attribute].remove( # remove the current object from the subinstance index mirror_attribute_index.remove(subinstance_id) # update the id index del self.index(instance.__class__)[] def record_failed_attempt(self, user): user.password_failure_timestamps += [ ]