Lightweight identity and authorization management software
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2020-11-05 12:52:36 +01:00
canaille Canaille logo. Fixes #29 2020-11-05 12:52:36 +01:00
docker Moderators group. #12 2020-11-02 12:13:03 +01:00
schemas Consents page 2020-09-17 12:01:21 +02:00
tests Moderators group. #12 2020-11-02 12:13:03 +01:00
.coveralls.yml Updated coveralss token 2020-10-21 15:05:38 +02:00
.gitignore Renamed the project 'canaille' 2020-10-21 14:04:40 +02:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Python 3.9 support 2020-10-20 09:51:15 +02:00 Changelog 2020-10-30 10:42:47 +01:00
docker-compose.yml Added some ldap debug information 2020-09-16 17:48:36 +02:00 License 2020-08-19 13:50:12 +02:00 Renamed the project 'canaille' 2020-10-21 14:04:40 +02:00 Canaille logo. Fixes #29 2020-11-05 12:52:36 +01:00
setup.cfg Added a command to clean tokens and codes. Fixes #17 2020-10-23 11:33:27 +02:00 setup.cfg instead of requirements.txt 2020-08-19 11:45:02 +02:00


Canaille is a French word meaning rascal. It is roughly pronounced Can I?, as in Can I access your data? Canaille is a simple OpenID Connect provider based upon a LDAP database.

It aims to be very light, simple to install and simple to maintain. Its main features are :

  • Authentication against a LDAP directory;
  • OAuth/OpenID Connect support;
  • No outdated or exotic protocol support;
  • No additional database required. Everything is stored in your LDAP server;
  • The code is easy to read and easy to edit.


⚠ Canaille is under heavy development and may not fit a production environment yet. ⚠

First you need to install the schemas into your LDAP server. There are several ways to achieve this:

LDAP schemas

As of OpenLDAP 2.4, two configuration methods are available:

  • The deprecated one, based on a configuration file (generally /etc/ldap/slapd.conf);
  • The new one, based on a configuration directory (generally /etc/ldap/slapd.d).

Depending on the configuration method you use with your OpenLDAP installation, you need to chose how to add the canaille schemas:

Old fashion: Copy the schemas in your filesystem

test -d /etc/openldap/schema && sudo cp schema/* /etc/openldap/schema
test -d /etc/ldap/schema && sudo cp schema/* /etc/ldap/schema
sudo service slapd restart

New fashion: Use slapadd to add the schemas

sudo slapadd -n0 -l schema/*.ldif
sudo service slapd restart

Web interface

Then you can deploy the code either by copying the git repository or installing the pip package:

pip install canaille

Finally you have to run the website in a WSGI server:

pip install gunicorn
gunicorn "canaille:create_app()"

Recurrent jobs

You might want to clean up your database to avoid it growing too much. You can regularly delete expired tokens and authorization codes with:

env CONFIG=/path/to/config.toml FASK_APP=canaille flask clean


Contributions are welcome! To run the tests, you just need to run tox.

To try a development environment, you can run the docker image and then open You can then connect with user admin and password admin to access an admin account, or user user and password user for a regular one.

cp canaille/conf/config.sample.toml canaille/conf/config.toml
cp canaille/conf/oauth-authorization-server.sample.json canaille/conf/oauth-authorization-server.json
cp canaille/conf/openid-configuration.sample.json canaille/conf/openid-configuration.json
docker-compose up