Éloi Rivard 57af18d557 Use a unique identifier to indentify users in URLS
Previously we used the uid since we supposed this value was always
valid, but some users user the mail attribute as the User RDN in their
OpenLDAP installation, and do not have a uuid.
2023-06-29 15:55:39 +02:00

86 lines
3.9 KiB

{% import "macro/table.html" as table %}
<table class="ui bottom attached table users">
{% if user.can_read("photo") %}
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("user_name") %}
<th>{% trans %}Login{% endtrans %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("family_name") or user.can_read("given_name") %}
<th>{% trans %}Name{% endtrans %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("emails") %}
<th>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_manage_groups %}
<th>{% trans %}Groups{% endtrans %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% for watched_user in table_form.items_slice %}
{% if user.can_read("photo") %}
<a href="{{ url_for('account.profile_edition', identifier=watched_user.identifier) }}">
{% if user.can_manage_users and watched_user.locked %}
<i class="lock circle big black icon" title="{% trans %}This account is locked{% endtrans %}"></i>
{% elif and[0] %}
<img class="ui avatar image" src="{{ url_for("", user_name=watched_user.user_name[0], field="photo") }}" alt="User photo">
{% else %}
<i class="user circle big black icon"></i>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("user_name") %}
<td><a href="{{ url_for('account.profile_edition', identifier=watched_user.identifier) }}">{{ watched_user.user_name[0] }}</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("family_name") or user.can_read("given_name") %}
<td>{{ watched_user.formatted_name[0] }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_read("emails") %}
<td><a href="mailto:{{ watched_user.preferred_email }}">{{ watched_user.preferred_email }}</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% if user.can_manage_groups %}
{% for group in watched_user.groups %}
<a class="ui label" href="{{ url_for('', groupname=group.display_name) }}"{% if group.description %} title="{{ group.description[0] }}"{% endif %}>
{{ group.display_name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td colspan="5">
<div class="ui icon message">
<i class="exclamation icon"></i>
<div class="content">
{% if request.headers.get("Hx-Request") %}
<div class="header">
{% trans %}No item matches your request{% endtrans %}
<p>{% trans %}Maybe try with different criterias?{% endtrans %}</p>
{% else %}
<div class="header">
{% trans %}There is nothing here{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<th colspan="5">
{{ table.pagination(table_form) }}