forked from Github-Mirrors/canaille
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320 lines
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Here are the different options you can have in your configuration file.
.. contents::
.. note ::
Any configuration entry can be suffixed by *_FILE* and point to the path of
a file that contains the actual value. For instance you could have
``SECRET_KEY_FILE = "/path/to/secret.txt"`` instead of ``SECRET_KEY = "very-secret"``
Canaille is based on Flask, so any `flask configuration <>`_ option will be usable with canaille:
**Required.** The Flask secret key. You should set a random string here.
.. note ::
Remember that you can also use SECRET_KEY_FILE to store the secret key
outside the configuration file.
*Optional.* The name of your organization. If not set `Canaille` will be used.
*Optional.* The URL ot the logo of your organization. The default is the canaille logo.
*Optional.* An URL to a favicon. The default is the value of ``LOGO``.
*Optional.* The name or the path to a canaille theme.
If the value is just a name, the theme should be in a directory with that namein the *themes* directory.
*Optional.* The locale code of the language to use. If not set, the language of the browser will be used.
*Optional.* The timezone in which datetimes will be displayed to the users. If unset, the server timezone will be used.
*Optional.* Wether javascript is used to smooth the user experience.
*Optional.* Wether `HTMX <>`_ will be used to accelerate webpages. Defaults to true.
*Optional.* A DSN to a sentry instance.
This needs the ``sentry_sdk`` python package to be installed.
This is useful if you want to collect the canaille exceptions in a production environment.
*Optional.* If true, then users can freely create an account
at this instance. If ``EMAIL_CONFIRMATION`` is true, users must confirm
their email before the account is created.
Defaults to false.
*Optional.* If set to true, users will need to click on
a confirmation link sent by email when they want to add a new email. By default,
this is true if SMTP is configured, else this is false. If explicitely set to
true and SMTP is disabled, the email field will be read-only.
*Optional.* Wether to tell the users if a username exists during failing login attempts.
Defaults to ``True``. This may be a security issue to disable this, as this give a way to malicious people to if an account exists on this canaille instance.
*Optional* Wether the password recovery feature is enabled or not.
Defaults to ``True``.
*Optional* The validity duration of registration invitations, in seconds.
Defaults to 2 days.
*Optional.* The logging level. Must be an either *DEBUG*, *INFO*, *WARNING*, *ERROR* or *CRITICAL*. Defults to *WARNING*.
*Optional.* The log file path. If not set, logs are written in the standard error output.
**Required.** The URI to the LDAP server.
e.g. ``ldaps://ldad.mydomain.tld``
**Required.** The root DN of your LDAP server.
e.g. ``dc=mydomain,dc=tld``
**Required.** The LDAP DN to bind with.
e.g. ``cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=tld``
**Required.** The LDAP user associated with ``BIND_DN``.
*Optional.* The time to wait for the LDAP server to respond before considering it is not functional.
**Required.** The DN of the node in which users will be searched for, and created.
e.g. ``ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld``
*Optional.* The LDAP object class to filter existing users, and create new users.
Can be a list of classes.
Defaults to ``inetOrgPerson``.
*Optional.* The attribute to identify an object in the User DN.
For example, if it has the value ``uid``, users DN will be in the form ``uid=foobar,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld``.
Defaults to ``cn``.
*Optional.* The filter to match users on sign in.
Jinja syntax is supported and a `login` variable is available containing
the value passed in the login field.
Defaults to ``(|(uid={{ login }})(mail={{ login }}))``
**Required.** The DN where of the node in which LDAP groups will be created and searched for.
e.g. ``ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=tld``
*Optional.* The LDAP object class to filter existing groups, and create new groups.
Can be a list of classes.
Defaults to ``groupOfNames``
*Optional.* The attribute to identify an object in a group DN.
For example, if it has the value ``cn``, groups DN will be in the form ``cn=foobar,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld``.
Defaults to ``cn``
*Optional.* The attribute to identify a group in the web interface.
Defaults to ``cn``
You can define access controls that define what users can do on canaille
An access control consists in a ``FILTER`` to match users, a list of ``PERMISSIONS`` that users will be able to perform, and fields users will be able
to ``READ`` and ``WRITE``. Users matching several filters will cumulate permissions.
The 'READ' and 'WRITE' attributes are the LDAP attributes of the user
object that users will be able to read and/or write.
*Optional.* It can be:
- absent, in which case all the users will have the permissions in this ACL.
- a mapping where keys are user attributes name and the values those user
attribute values. All the values must be matched for the user to be part
of the access control.
- a list of those mappings. If a user values match at least one mapping,
then the user will be part of the access control
Here are some examples:
- ``FILTER = {'user_name': 'admin'}``
- ``FILTER = [{'groups': 'admin'}, {'groups': 'moderators'}]``
*Optional.* A list of items the users in the access control will be able to manage. Values can be:
- **edit_self** to allow users to edit their own profile
- **use_oidc** to allow OpenID Connect authentication
- **manage_oidc** to allow OpenID Connect client managements
- **manage_users** to allow other users management
- **manage_groups** to allow group edition and creation
- **delete_account** allows a user to delete his own account. If used with *manage_users*, the user can delete any account
- **impersonate_users** to allow a user to take the identity of another user
*Optional.* A list of attributes of ``USER_CLASS`` the user will be able to see, but not edit.
If the users has the ``edit_self`` permission, they will be able to see those fields on their own account.
If the users has the ``manage_users`` permission, the user will be able to see this fields on other users profile.
If the list containts the special ``groups`` field, the user will be able to see the groups he belongs to.
*Optional.* A list of attributes of ``USER_CLASS`` the user will be able to edit.
If the users has the ``edit_self`` permission, they will be able to edit those fields on their own account.
If the users has the ``manage_users`` permission, they will be able to edit those fields on other users profile.
If the list containts the special ``groups`` field, the user will be able to edit the groups he belongs to.
*Optional.* Wether a token is needed for the RFC7591 dynamical client registration.
If true, no token is needed to register a client.
If false, dynamical client registration needs a token defined
Defaults to ``False``
*Optional.* A list of tokens that can be used for dynamic client registration
*Optional.* Forces the nonce exchange during the authentication flows.
This adds security but may not be supported by all clients.
Defaults to ``True``
Canaille needs a key pair to sign the JWT. The installation command will generate a key pair for you, but you can also do it manually. In debug mode, a in-memory keypair will be used.
**Required.** The content of the private key..
**Required.** The content of the public key.
.. note ::
Remember that you can also use PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and PUBLIC_KEY_FILE
to store the keys outside the configuration file.
*Optional.* The URI of the identity provider.
Defaults to ``SERVER_NAME`` if set, else the current domain will be used.
e.g. ``https://auth.mydomain.tld``
*Optional.* The key type parameter.
Defaults to ``RSA``.
*Optional.* The key algorithm.
Defaults to ``RS256``.
*Optional.* The time the JWT will be valid, in seconds.
Defaults to ``3600``
A mapping where keys are JWT claims, and values are LDAP user object attributes.
Attributes are rendered using jinja2, and can use a ``user`` variable.
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.user_name[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.phone_number[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.mail[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.given_name[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.family_name[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.display_name[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.locale }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.address[0] }}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{% if %}{{ url_for('', user_name=user.user_name[0], field='photo', _external=True) }}{% endif %}``
*Optional.* Defaults to ``{{ user.profile_url[0] }}``
Canaille needs you to configure a SMTP server to send some mails, including the *I forgot my password* and the *invitation* mails.
Without this section Canaille will still be usable, but all the features related to mail will be disabled.
The SMTP server to connect to.
Defaults to ``localhost``
The port to use with the SMTP connection.
Defaults to ``25``
Whether the SMTP connection use TLS.
Default to ``False``
Whether the SMTP connection use SSL.
Default to ``False``
The SMTP server authentication login.
The SMTP server authentication password.
*Optional.* The mail address to use as the sender for Canaille emails.
Defaults to `admin@<HOSTNAME>` where `HOSTNAME` is the current hostname.