diff --git a/commons/programs/hyprland.nix b/commons/programs/hyprland.nix
index 65e9267..4859801 100644
--- a/commons/programs/hyprland.nix
+++ b/commons/programs/hyprland.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
enable = true;
settings = {
"$mod" = "SUPER"; # Windows key on classic keyboards
@@ -22,6 +21,8 @@
"$mod, code:65, exec, rofi -show run"
+ "$mod, V, toggleFloating"
# Move to workspace
"$mod, code:10, workspace, 1"
"$mod, code:11, workspace, 2"
@@ -47,11 +48,19 @@
# Move to adjacent workspaces
"$mod, code:113, workspace, -1"
"$mod, code:114, workspace, +1"
+ # Function keys
+ ", code:121, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle"
+ ", code:122, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-"
+ ", code:123, exec, wpctl set-volume -l 1.5 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+"
+ ", code:198, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ toggle"
+ ", code:232, exec, brightnessctl s 5%-"
+ ", code:233, exec, brightnessctl s 5%+"
bindm = [
- "$mod, mouse:272, moveWindow"
- "$mod, mouse:273, moveWindow"
+ "$mod, mouse:272, moveactive"
+ "$mod, mouse:273, resizeactive"
cursor = {
@@ -122,6 +131,13 @@
gestures = {
workspace_swipe = "on";
+ exec-once = [
+ # Set Hyprland cursor the same as GTK apps
+ "hyprctl setcursor \"Bibata-Modern-Classic\" 24"
+ "swww-daemon"
+ "waybar"
+ ];
diff --git a/commons/programs/waybar.nix b/commons/programs/waybar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc706b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/commons/programs/waybar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+{ ... }:
+ programs.waybar = {
+ enable = true;
+ settings = [
+ {
+ layer = "top";
+ position = "top";
+ modules-left = [
+ "hyprland/workspaces"
+ ];
+ modules-center = [ "hyprland/window" ];
+ modules-right = [
+ "custom/exit"
+ "pulseaudio"
+ "network"
+ "battery"
+ "tray"
+ "clock"
+ ];
+ "hyprland/workspaces" = {
+ format = "{name}";
+ format-icons = {
+ default = " ";
+ active = " ";
+ urgent = " ";
+ };
+ };
+ "clock" = {
+ format = '' {:L%H:%M}'';
+ tooltip = true;
+ tooltip-format = "{:%A, %d.%B %Y }\n{calendar}";
+ };
+ "hyprland/window" = {
+ max-length = 22;
+ separate-outputs = false;
+ icon = true;
+ icon-size = 18;
+ };
+ "network" = {
+ format-icons = [
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ ];
+ format-ethernet = " {bandwidthDownOctets}";
+ format-wifi = "{icon} {essid}";
+ format-disconnected = " ";
+ tooltip = true;
+ tooltip-format = "ip : {ipaddr}\nstrength : {signaldBm}dBm";
+ on-click = "nm-connection-editor";
+ };
+ "tray" = {
+ spacing = 12;
+ };
+ "pulseaudio" = {
+ format = "{icon} {volume}% {format_source}";
+ format-bluetooth = "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}";
+ format-bluetooth-muted = " {icon} {format_source}";
+ format-muted = " {format_source}";
+ format-source = " {volume}%";
+ format-source-muted = " ";
+ format-icons = {
+ headphone = " ";
+ hands-free = " ";
+ headset = " ";
+ phone = " ";
+ portable = " ";
+ car = " ";
+ default = [
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ ];
+ };
+ on-click = "pavucontrol";
+ };
+ "custom/exit" = {
+ tooltip = false;
+ format = " ";
+ on-click = "shutdown now";
+ };
+ "battery" = {
+ states = {
+ warning = 30;
+ critical = 15;
+ };
+ format = "{icon} {capacity}%";
+ format-charging = " {capacity}%";
+ format-plugged = " {capacity}%";
+ format-icons = [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ];
+ tooltip = false;
+ };
+ }
+ ];
+ style = ''
+ * {
+ border: none;
+ font-family: Ubuntu Nerd Font;
+ font-size: 13px;
+ border-radius: 0px;
+ background: transparent;
+ min-height: 0px;
+ color: white;
+ }
+ tooltip {
+ color: white;
+ background: black;
+ }
+ window#waybar {
+ margin: 5px 0 0 0;
+ background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%);
+ color: black;
+ }
+ #window {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ #workspaces button {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ background: transparent;
+ color: white;
+ border-top: 2px solid transparent;
+ }
+ #workspaces button.focused {
+ background: #64727D;
+ border-bottom: 3px solid white;
+ }
+ #workspaces button.active {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid white;
+ }
+ #clock, #battery, #network, #pulseaudio, #tray {
+ padding: 0 3px;
+ margin: 0 2px;
+ }
+ #clock {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ #battery {
+ }
+ #battery.charging {
+ }
+ #cpu {
+ }
+ #memory {
+ }
+ #network {
+ }
+ #pulseaudio {
+ }
+ #pulseaudio.muted {
+ }
+ #tray {
+ }
+ '';
+ };
diff --git a/commons/programs/zsh.nix b/commons/programs/zsh.nix
index 1184ba1..f1cccdd 100644
--- a/commons/programs/zsh.nix
+++ b/commons/programs/zsh.nix
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
enableCompletion = true;
shellAliases = {
update = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake /home/zuma/nix_files#t0urn3s0l";
+ connect-h4ppy = "mosh --ssh=\"ssh -p 72\" globuzma@";
oh-my-zsh = {
enable = true;
diff --git a/hosts/t0urn3s0l/configuration.nix b/hosts/t0urn3s0l/configuration.nix
index 51d5780..21b7f0b 100644
--- a/hosts/t0urn3s0l/configuration.nix
+++ b/hosts/t0urn3s0l/configuration.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
-# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
-# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’).
{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }:
@@ -18,10 +14,6 @@
networking.hostName = "t0urn3s0l"; # Define your hostname.
# networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables wireless support via wpa_supplicant.
- # Configure network proxy if necessary
- # networking.proxy.default = "http://user:password@proxy:port/";
- # networking.proxy.noProxy = ",localhost,internal.domain";
# Enable Nix Flakes
nix.settings.experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes"];
@@ -137,33 +129,55 @@
# List packages installed in system profile. To search, run:
# $ nix search wget
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
- # GUIs
- gnome-keyring # Keyring for secrets
- seahorse # To edit said secrets
- networkmanagerapplet # To get wifi to work -> Go into wifi connection and select store password for all users
- bitwarden-desktop # For my sweet passwords
- rofi-wayland # Application launcher
- xfce.thunar # GUI Filebrowser
- xfce.xfconf # needed by xfce.thunar
- kitty # Hyprland default terminal
- firefox # Web browser
- cinny-desktop # Matrix Client
- eog # Image viewer
- dracula-theme # Dark theme
- dracula-icon-theme # Dark Icon theme
- mpv # Video player
- pavucontrol # Volume control
+ # GUIs
+ gnome-keyring # Keyring for secrets
+ seahorse # To edit said secrets
+ networkmanagerapplet # To get wifi to work -> Go into wifi connection and select store password for all users
+ bitwarden-desktop # For my sweet passwords
+ rofi-wayland # Application launcher
+ xfce.thunar # GUI Filebrowser
+ xfce.xfconf # needed by xfce.thunar
+ kitty # Hyprland default terminal
+ firefox # Web browser
+ cinny-desktop # Matrix Client
+ eog # Image viewer (Eye Of Gnome)
+ dracula-theme # Dark theme
+ dracula-icon-theme # Dark Icon theme
+ mpv # Video player
+ vlc # Media player a bit more fancy than mpv
+ pavucontrol # Volume control
+ zotero # For research articles
+ gimp # Image Editing
+ qbittorrent # Torrent downloader for ... Linux isos.
+ evince # PDF viewer
+ gparted # Partitioner tool
+ obsidian # PKB and more than that
+ waybar # A bar.
+ bibata-cursors # Pretty cursors
+ kdenlive # Video editing software
- # Shell apps
- zsh # Favorite shell so far
- starship # Shell prompt that goes fast
- neovim # <3
- git # <3 bis
- btop # HTOP on steroids
- lshw # List all your hardware
+ # Shell stuff
+ zsh # Favorite shell so far
+ starship # Shell prompt that goes fast
+ neovim # <3
+ git # <3 bis
+ btop # HTOP on steroids
+ lshw # List all your hardware
+ neofetch # To show off
+ brightnessctl # To control brightness
+ p7zip # For all my zip needs
+ cmatrix # Always need it to show off
+ exfat # Needed to format Nikon SD Card
+ gptfdisk # Tools for partitioning
+ mosh # Mobile shell, great ssh replacement for unstable connection
+ ffmpeg # Video and sound editiing
+ pywal16 # Generate 16 palette from image
+ wev # Utility to find which key you pressed
- # Utilities
- wl-clipboard # Clipboard manager
+ # Utilities
+ wl-clipboard # Clipboard manager
+ swww # Wallpaper engine
+ pulseaudio-dlna # To play sound on sound system
services.gvfs.enable = true; # Enable Trash so that if I delete my nix files without having saved them I can backup .........
@@ -173,6 +187,12 @@
services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = true;
security.pam.services.hyprland.enableGnomeKeyring = true;
+ fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
+ nerd-fonts.fira-code
+ nerd-fonts.ubuntu
+ nerd-fonts.droid-sans-mono
+ ];
# Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are
# started in user sessions.
# programs.mtr.enable = true;
@@ -185,6 +205,7 @@
# Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
# services.openssh.enable = true;
+ programs.ssh.startAgent = true;
# Open ports in the firewall.
# networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ];
diff --git a/hosts/t0urn3s0l/home.nix b/hosts/t0urn3s0l/home.nix
index 6fd358d..19508b1 100644
--- a/hosts/t0urn3s0l/home.nix
+++ b/hosts/t0urn3s0l/home.nix
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ ../../commons/programs/waybar.nix
qt = {
@@ -35,5 +36,13 @@
+ home.pointerCursor = {
+ gtk.enable = true;
+ package = pkgs.bibata-cursors;
+ name = "Bibata-Modern-Classic";
+ size = 24;
+ };
programs.home-manager.enable = true;