2020-08-26 12:05:35 +02:00

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OpenID Connect LDAP Bridge

oidc-ldap-bridge is a simple OpenID Connect provider based upon OpenLDAP.

It aims to be very light, simple to install and simple to maintain. Its main features are :

  • OAuth/OpenID Connect support.
  • Authentication against a LDAP directory.
  • No additional database required. Everything is stored in your OpenLDAP server.
  • The code is easy to read and easy to edit in case you want to write a patch


First you need to install the schemas into your LDAP server. There are several ways to achieve this:

Option 1: Add the schema into your filesystem

test -d /etc/openldap/schema && sudo cp schema/* /etc/openldap/schema
test -d /etc/ldap/schema && sudo cp schema/* /etc/ldap/schema
sudo service slapd restart

Option 2: Use slapadd

sudo slapadd -n0 -l schema/*.ldif



Contributions are welcome! To run the tests, you just need to run tox.

To try a development environment, you can run the docker image and then open

cp config.sample.toml config.toml
docker-compose up